Anyone who has ever lived in a house with a small kitchen will know what a mixed experience it can be. On the one hand, you have a neat and compact area to do your cooking in, on the other if more than one person needs to be in there at the same time then it can become a jigsaw puzzle just to get things done! However, there are ways to make the most out of your kitchen, whatever size it might be.
Whilst you might dream of an on-trend grey kitchen, or wish for some bright red cabinets, dark colours will do small kitchens no favours at all. Keep your cabinets and walls white, cream or beige to make the space feel lighter and brighter. If you are desperate for some colour in your kitchen consider an accent wall in a soft bright colour such as yellow or blue. Stay away from deep and dark colours. Alternatively, pick coloured accessories to brighten up your kitchen space.
One of the best ways to make a space look bigger (and cleaner) is to get rid of clutter. We all have things we make use of every day and whilst it might seem convenient to leave them out on the side, it will make your kitchen seem disorganised and smaller than it might actually be. Think of creative ways to store items when you aren’t using them, such as turning empty storage jars into shabby chic accessories or hiding things away when not in use. The top of a fridge is an often overlooked part of the kitchen but can be ideal for items which don’t get used all that often in your kitchen.
Do the dishes
Whilst not a great chore, making sure that your sides are free from dirty dishes will really help your kitchen. It doesn’t take long for dirty dinnerware to overtake a small kitchen so by staying on top of it you can make sure that you have sides available for us when you need them, and a kitchen that is clean and not claustrophobic.
Wall Space
Make use of any available wall space, either by hanging floating shelves to provide you with extra storage space or by coming up with innovative ways to hang kitchen items you use every day. Why not pop a small nail into the wall and hang your chopping boards up, for example? If cupboard space is at a premium the last thing you want to do is stuff them full of things you use every day. Take a quick look around and think of ways you could tidy up without simply sticking them in a probably already overflowing cupboard.
If you are having your kitchen redesigned then investigate storage options. There are many different designs available now with unique storage options which could provide you with more storage than you originally had. Often the best and most cost-effective solution is to look into getting storage solutions in your kitchen made bespoke. Oliver Peake has been making bespoke kitchens in London for many years and can work effectively in any kitchen space.